Refund Policy

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  • Refund Policy
User Balance Payment Refund Possible?
  Yes, Possible. User can withdraw him balance payment any time possible. Jest goto Dashboard - Withdraw - Withdraw Now - Select Payment Method - Put Withdraw Amount and click Submit Button. Payment transper whithin 24hr working hours.
Note : Withdraw amount need minimum 200inr<

User Wrong Pay Payment Refund Possible?
  Yes, Possible. User can withdraw him wrong payment any time possible. Jest goto Dashboard - Account -Support Ticket now fill ticket and submit ticket whith payment translation details and get full refund.

User Automatic Payment Refund Possible?
  Yes, Possible. Click Rewards following automatic payment system hare. 
      RazorPay , Paypal , Stripe Checkout
 This all payment also refund possible. but tax charges apply. Jest goto Dashboard - Account -Support Ticket now fill ticket and submit ticket whith payment translation details and get refund.

User Manual Payment Refund Possible?
  Yes, Possible. Click Rewards following manual payment system hare. 
      RazorPay , Gpay , PhonePe , QR  Code Payment, Account Transper
 This all payment also refund possible. but tax charges apply. Jest goto Dashboard - Account -Support Ticket now fill ticket and submit ticket whith payment translation details and get refund.